Do you need a car accident lawyer in LA? Consider these circumstances!

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When involved in a car crash in Los Angeles, you may feel enraged and overwhelmed, especially knowing the mishap was preventable. Sadly, a significant number of road accidents in California happen due to negligent and reckless drivers who fail to adhere to safety norms. As an injured victim, you must protect your rights and take steps to recover compensation as per California’s fault-based system. Regardless of what caused the accident, you deserve to know the legal options, for which you must meet a car accident lawyer.

When you can manage without an attorney

There are some situations when you can manage independently. For instance, if you escaped the accident unscathed but suffered losses in vehicle damage, you can file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurer and expect a decent amount. You don’t need an accident lawyer when the damage is minimal and there is little to fight for.

When you certainly need legal help

  1. You have suffered a serious injury. If you have endured a catastrophic injury or are hurt to the extent that you are likely to bear wage losses, it is wise to meet an accident lawyer. When an injury is expected to impact your life, you deserve a better settlement.
  2. You are also liable. If the accident was partly your fault, you may want to talk to an attorney. The other party and the insurance company will use the evidence against you, and unless you have an advocate to prove your case, winning the claim could be hard.
  3. You don’t know who is responsible for the accident. When many vehicles are involved in a crash, investigations are often complex. You need an injury lawyer who can go beyond the surface and find the party(s) responsible for your losses.
  4. You don’t know how to negotiate. If you let the claims adjuster decide the fate of your claim, you would end up with a small amount. When negotiations are not your forte, it only makes sense to have an attorney to can do that for you.
  5. Your case requires a trial. Although not common, car accident lawsuits can end up in court in LA, and when that happens, you need a capable lawyer who can argue on your behalf at the trial. Ensure you choose someone who has prior experience.

Make a list of local injury lawyers in LA now and consider consulting a top firm. 

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